Tuesday, October 6, 2020

We Are Sarah's Children; the Way Out Of No Way; Exodus 13:3-6


Rev. George Miller

Oct 4, 2020

Exodus 13:3-6


Though this year has been a hodge-podge of emotions and traumatic events, there’s been at least one blessing we’ve received-


Millie Grime ensuring that we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote.


Millie’s passion has been inspirational, planting a new tone.  Thanks to Millie, we set a goal- to look for the places in scripture in which women are present even if they are not mentioned.


So, we are pleased to share that when researching today’s reading, we came across an author who offered up a whole new take on a familiar story.


Professor Gerald Janzen sees this story tied to the promise made to Sarah.


If you recall, Sarah and Abraham were an elderly childless couple called by God to get up and go, with the promise of having a child and having land.


Often, we trace the promise through Abraham, but, it wasn’t Abraham’s bareness that was an issue- it was Sarah’s.


Abraham did have a child with another woman, his son Ishmael.  But Ishmael did not become heir to the promise. 


Instead, the focus is on Sarah- Sarah is the one who was barren; it was Sarah who was at the end of the family story.


But miracle upon miracles Sarah becomes pregnant, she bares a son named Isaac.


It is through Sarah’s child that the covenant and promise to God’s people unfolds.


In other words- WE are the children of Sarah’s supposed bareness.  We are the children of a way out of no way. 


Let that soak in…


By refocusing our faith’s narrative on Sarah, we realize that we are Children Of The Impossible. 


WE are the Children of the Not Meant To Be.  We are the Children of The Dead End.


We are the Living Hope of the Hopeless.


As Children of Sarah we are unstoppable.


No wonder Jacob could endure all those years in the land of his deceitful uncle.


No wonder Joseph survived being cast into a well, sold into slavery, and being locked away.


No wonder the Israelites thrived and multiplied even when enslaved under the harshest of conditions.


It is from Sarah’s bareness that the call to have faithful dominion and care for God’s beautiful nahalah continues.


So, it’s no wonder that even when Jacob was mistreated by his uncle, his own flock of lambs prospered.


It’s no wonder that Joseph was able to save the nation from a famine.


It’s no wonder the river preserved the life of Moses and the Red Sea parted to deliver the Israelites.


When you are the children of Sarah, when you are the walking, breathing heir to the miracle, how can heaven and nature not rejoice in you?


Today’s reading reminds us how the role of women and God’s nahalah all come together.


How God is ready to do something new.  God is ready to deliver. 


God is ready to keep the promise made through Sarah’s womb.


What God asks of us is that we remember what God is about to do.


God asks that we share, we speak; that we do not keep silent.


God says “I am about to fulfill the promise made through Sarah’s womb.”


“You are to leave your troubled past behind, and to enter my beautiful nahalah where there is enough for all.”


“But,” says God, “I want you to remember.  Remember that I brought you out, and not just out, but to a new land, a new way, a life of virility.”


In order for God to do so, God asks that we leave the yeast behind.


In order to move into our new beginning, leave the leaven behind.


Leave that which holds you back.  Leave what’s holding you down.


Leave what’s slowing you up.  Leave behind what’s hurting your spirit. 


Leave that which is





Step into your future.


Step into your promise that you inherited from Sarah’s barren womb.


Step into God’s luxurious nahalah

Where there is abundance

There is sweetness, There is light

There is nourishment of ALL kinds.


Tell your children

Tell your children’s children


So that they can know

So that they can remember


So that they too can break free

When the weight of the world,

When the ways of Egypt

Surround them, Hold them Down

and say “You Don’t matter.”



We are the Children of Sarah’s Womb

We are the Children of the Promise.

We are the Children of the Past, the Present, and the Future.


We are the Children Of The Way Out of No Way.


So keep on Movin’

Don’t stop; Don’t quit


In God we got this.

Amen and amen.

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