Note- this letter was sent to Highlands News-Sun on Sept 21, 2020, but was not run by the paper
This letter is written with concern regarding Lake Placid Chief of Police, James Fansler. Over the years he has posted troublesome comments on Facebook. For example, he once posted a cartoon that referred to Mexicans as "Spic and Span." Another time he made light of BLM with a column titled "All Laughs Matter." Recently, on June 1 he shared a video regarding rumored riots. At the 5:32 mark he stated "...if there is something that I believe that you need to be aware of for the concern of this community, you know full well that I'll make you fully aware of it immediately so that you can be well prepared to help me, and I know there are several of you who are well prepared to jump in your vehicles at the beck and call and will be here immediately." This sounds as if Chief Fansler is advocating vigilantism. On a July 3 thread regarding rioters, he told someone "Run them SOB's over and get somewhere safe." September 1 he commended a man who hit Canadian Gay Pride celebrators with a skillet, posting "The distinct sound of cast iron pwang on 2 knuckleheads skull housing...sounds darn near the same as a plunk on the Freedom Bell." September 8 he posted "Support for Kyle Rittenhouse...There's a little (devil emoji) in me I guess." The next day he posted a Kyle Rittenhouse emoji brandishing a weapon. When questioned about this by a concerned mother of the community, Chief Fansler shamed her and justified the teen's illegal violent actions. On September 15 he posted a transphobic comment about a woman running for sheriff. These public posts are worrisome, giving the impression that it may not be safe for certain individuals to travel through Lake Placid. Perhaps the city should look into this matter before anything happens to one of our citizens or visitors. If Chief Fansler's online behavior is not evaluated, and something hurtful happens, there is more than enough evidence via his Facebook page for someone to sue the city, and win a large, hefty sum. In respect, Rev. George Miller
First of all, Chief Fansler cares about everyone! It’s called freedom of speech, which you are exercising by posting this ridiculous statement about him. If you’re a Reverend you should pray for him instead of slandering his good name. Reverend, I believe you need to do some praying for yourself as well. The devil is perched right up on your shoulder yelling in your ear to say these things. You should know better. I am proud to call Chief Fansler not only my Chief of Police but a friend. As for you, reverend, I am praying for you. May God bless you as He has done me.
Sorry but as a public servant you are NOT allowed to exercise free speech in a public forum without repercussions. I am a teacher and must be careful what I post. Someone in his position should not only know better but should BE better.
Have you spoken to Chief Fansler directly? The Bible says that if you are offended by someone that you should go to them. With you being a pastor, I'm more than a little surprised that you would choose to fi ger scrape someone publicly in a realm like Facebook. It seems very inflammatory. As Christians, we should act as fire extinguishers, not tanners of the flame.
Did you ever reach out to chief Fansler prior to writing the article and seek to council him as a church leader? Or did you just issue the staunch rebuke without ever reaching out to give guidance? I am not trying to add controversy. Just asking. I would hope as a pastor and community leader yourself, you would have at least tried to get his attention in the event you or anyone found his alleged posts offensive. You say words should be watched. Is it not the same for you? You are tossing out allegations and stirring your followers without substantial proof. Seems everyone is assuming guilt without any facts. I am not saying you are lying by any means. Just rather see for ourselves. Like Tucks case. Thank you for hearing me out.-CM
To the teacher, are you taking what was allegedly said at face value? Are you convicting the chief without any proof of what is being said against him? As an educator, I would hope for more than that.
Great questions everyone. I did reach out 2x as well as contact local and state wide individuals with my concern. This was not rash or malicious but out of true concern. I reported what had been publicly posted and said. Peace, Pastor George
Oh my where do I start. First of all AMANDA the fact that you even considered writing this post is just mind boggling, for the simple fact that your FRIEND had the audacity to post the bs that he did. Now I don’t know where you’re from, but on my side of the tracks calling a Hispanic a spic is �� SUPER RACIST and very ��DISRESPECTFUL. AND he openly supported a psychotic nut who �� MURDERED THREE PEOPLE. Bottom line AMANDA there is no justifying your FRIEND but I guess you’re just as ignorant and nasty as he is.
Side note: AMANDA I’m pretty sure the reverend has all the prayer he needs. If you want to pray for someone pray for your �� RACIST friend and pray he gets to keep his job. Oh and ANANDA think twice before you post ��
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