Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sermon for Jan 12, 2025; Luke 2:41-52


Rev. George Miller

Jan 5, 2025 (preached on Jan 12)

Luke 2:41-52


Here we are in the Gospel of Luke, with the author’s understanding of the past and unstoppable belief in the future.


We have Jesus: Son of Mary, Nephew of Elizabeth, and The happiness of Anna’s eyes.


Luke is taking his sweet time to tell us about the Jesus experience, including this tale about a young Jesus told nowhere else.



Jesus is no longer a babe; he’s not yet a man.


He’s a pre-teen boy doing what pre-teens do best-

causing his parents grief; talking back to his Mama.


Jesus may be the Lamb of God but he’s also a source of his Mother’s anxiety.


He’s with his parents making their yearly trip to the big city. 


Instead of going to the Arch or Busch Stadium, they’re at the Passover Festival.


Young Jesus is having such a good-time he doesn’t want to leave.  He stays behind while his parents journey home.


3 days later they find him in the Temple, astounding the local folk.


But Mama and Papa are not impressed.


“Boy, if you don’t get back here!”


“But Maaaaaa…..”


“Don’t ‘But Ma’ me!”



Well, Luke doesn’t tell the story this way; he tells it alot classier, having Jesus speak like a mini-college professor:   


“Why are you searching for me. Didn’t you know I must be in Abba’s House.”


But, I don’t go for that sugar-coated holiness put upon pre-teen Jesus.


I like to imagine Jospeh saying “Abbas’ House my foot!” and Mary with a wooden spoon in hand.


This is a delightful story, offering a glimpse into Jesus, his childhood, and his family relations.


One in which he is just like us, growing up, navigating his way from childhood to adulthood, inadvertently hurting his parents along the way.


Who here as a parent, uncle, aunt, an Oma or Opa, has experienced that moment in which-


the pre-teen you now know is no longer the child you once knew?


Who here knows what it is like to watch that child go from being lovingly dependent to becoming vocally independent?


And who here knows that THIS is the path all parents, uncles, aunts, Omas and Opas must take if that child is to grow into who they are supposed to be?


Yes, we all want our beloved children to stay young, stay innocent,


be that kid who once sat under the Christmas tree excited to open each and every present.


But eventually that child becomes the same one who rolls their eyes over how boring and silly family gatherings are.


Sure, we want to be with our child at all times, but at some point, if we truly love them-


we let them stay home alone without a babysitter, we let them go to the corner store unescorted.


We let them drive off on their own, standing on the driveway as we watch them pull away, praying to God that they’ll be kept safe.


As holy and sacred as we want the family of Jesus to be, most likely they were just like us.


As we heard today, Mary and Joseph had their trying moments with young Jesus,


and young Jesus definitely tested the limits with his Mom and Dad.


But here’s the Good News-


this story reminds us that Jesus was just like us.


That Emmanuel, God With Us, did not come to Earth to be a robotic vessel of heavenly information.


Jesus came to earth in the same flesh as you and me to experience the same life as we do.


God entered into human form to experience life the same way most of us do-


A complicated family structure, with its rules and expectations, and cultural traditions.


Even the boredom of travel that no family vacation is complete without.


Jesus lived like us, with us, beside us. 


In this way Jesus was empowered to understand  us, represent us, speak to and speak for us.


The child we see in today’s reading is tempestuous and wild, and we shouldn’t have it any other way.


Because the more human Jesus is and the more human we allow him to be, the more amazing we realize that Jesus is.


Because Jesus was born to a family, part of a family tree, Jesus becomes a richer, more developed savior of the family.


Through Jesus, God got to know, experience, fully understand the human condition, and what it means to live on earth.


Because of Jesus we have a Counselor we can turn to when we are frustrated,


when we feel let down,


when we are annoyed with our own family.


Because of Jesus, we truly know God is with us, not apart, not far away, not aloof, or distant.


But right here, by our side.  With us, and for us, forever.



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