Saturday, June 29, 2024

Heaven Is Our Heritage; 1 Kings 21:1-8


Rev. George Miller

June 30, 2024

1 Kings 21:1-8


“La ciel est notre heritage.”

(La see-el  ehh  note ear rit aahg)


“El Cielo es nuestra herencia.”


Heaven IS our heritage.


Here we are- the last sermon to be shared by me at this pulpit, preaching from a scripture that was selected by someone 1-2 years ago for Stump The Pastor Sunday.


When reading this passage, the initial reaction was “What?  No way.  We’re not, going out on that!”


But as we have learned, we are often at our best when we face the unfaceable and find Christ’s comfort in the uncomfortable.


There is a lot of comfort to find in this reading, as it is an allusion to Heaven, God’s Heaven.


How Heaven is our inheritance, and it is not for sale no matter how much the world tries to take it, steal it, or make us think otherwise.


God’s Heaven is for ALL people.


It is beautiful when we realize Heaven is our inheritance, our herencia, and we live as if that is so.


The topic of Heaven has a personal back story.


One day, Ari asked a question.


“Pastor, I notice you don’t preach about Heaven; is there a reason?”


Anyone who’s been here for some time knows the answer-


I don’t so much see Heaven as a place we go after we die; I see Heaven as the presence of God in the here and now.


My belief is that we experience heaven, here, on earth any time we humbly follow the way of Jesus do justice, love kindness.


But for Ari there is no doubt that Heaven is also a holy destination we arrive at after the end of days.


Ari’s question has forever shaped my ministry, liturgy, and writing of the weekly message.


And Ari’s question has made me a better pastor, preacher, teacher.


So, it is fitting, that today’s reading is about Heaven, and a person who refuses to give up his Heavenly inheritance.


Today’s story is set in a warm vacation town.  It’s the place King Ahab likes to go when things get chilly. 


Next to King Ahab’s winter home is the vineyard of Naboth.


It’s a family vineyard, a plot of rich land and ripe grapes that has belonged to Naboth’s ancestors since they arrived in Israel.


Back then, people understood that the land was a gift from God and that their job was to care for it, respect it, nurture it.


But the King forgets this part of his faith.  He forgets that this land is Naboth’s legacy.


The King does not care that these grapes are Naboth’s inheritance, planted by his mother, his abuela, his tios, and great-grandfathers.


The king does not care about Naboth’s vineyard. 


All he cares about is a chance to grow himself a garden.


He wants to take Naboth’s inheritance so he can grow lettuce and radishes, things that are fast and easy to grow.


But Naboth says “No.”, because he understands.


“Nope, nunca, non.  This piece of land has been trusted to my family; God forbid we sell it.”


Naboth says to King Ahab “This land is our Heavenly Inheritance, belonging to God…


and Heaven is not for sale, and you cannot take my joy.”


This is a testimony that even when the world wants to take away what God has given,


we have the right to say “No” to them, and “Yes” to God.


This is a reminder that the Inheritance of Heaven is not to be easily destroyed, given up, and turned into easy avenues.


What an absolutely beautiful, powerful message to share today.


Here at Emmanuel we have worked so hard and faithfully to honor our heavenly inheritance.


We have co-created a vineyard with God that makes Heaven known right here, right now on earth.


The vineyard we have here at Emmanuel is spectacular.


The grapes we’ve grown together are unique and delicious.


The vineyard of our Bible Studies where you have watered and enriched the soil of every, single thing that has been preached, taught, and done.




The vineyard of our Missions, which took years to plan, plant, water, grow, with pruning, staking, reimagining.


How The Shepherd’s Pantry took root and produced grapes, growing to be a vineyard that includes Boys and Girls Club, and so many others.




The vineyard of our music program, always evolving- 


Handbells, organ, violin, solos, drums, choir, songs specifically written for us, songs in English, Spanish, French, Creole.




The vineyard of our presence.  Emmanuel’s vines have shown up, spoke out, be present, partner, hold vigils, peace walks and memorials, traveling down to Biloxi and reaching out across the ocean to Cuba, Haiti, and Somalia.




The Garden of Hope vineyard, rooting a relationship with Ridge Area ARC in which people living with developmental disabilities are seen and respected.




The vineyard of Emmanuel UCC has found a way to intertwine with the vineyard of Ridge Area SDA in Avon Park.


A church started in part by my best friend’s mother, Ruby, blessed by Carnide’s presence,


How Ridge has welcomed me, us, worshipped with us, sung with us, influenced us with Sabbath rest and healthy living.




The vineyard of Emmanuel UCC is vast and fruitful, life giving and with great meaning.


The vineyard of Emmanuel is diverse with grapes that are white and black, grapes of other varieties, identities, orientations. 


How is it that this vineyard of Emmanuel has been able to contain Grapes that are local, northern, and foreign, grapes that speak French, Spanish, Filipino, Dutch, English?


It's because that’s what holding onto Heaven’s Inheritance does.


The vineyard of Emmanuel UCC, planted in 1990, is indeed Heaven here on Earth, from our Hospitality to our meals.


How our kitchen and Fellowship Hall is used to not only feed us, but to serve the hungry and those seeking human connection.


Like Naboth, we say to the world that our Heavenly Inheritance is not to be randomly given away.


Our vineyard, God’s vineyard, is to be cared for, tended to, shared, following the ways of Jesus and watered by the Holy Spirit.


There is no doubt, no doubt at all that here at Emmanuel, a piece of Heaven is right here, right now.


It is our inheritance.  We are so fortunate to have played a part.


We are so fortunate to be amongst the vines, the grapes,


the blessings, the time,


the ancestors,


and all those yet to be.


“La ciel est notre heritage.”

(La see-el  ehh  note ear rit aahg)


“El Cielo es nuestra herencia.”


Heaven IS our heritage.


Emmanuel UCC is our heritage.


For that, let us say “Amen.”

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