Saturday, April 22, 2023

No One Unclean, No One Profane; Acts 10:1-23


Rev. George Miller

April 23, 2023

Acts 10:1-23


In Grand Rapids, MI there is a house of worship called Lighthouse Full Life Center.


They purchased a UCC church that had closed their doors and became so instrumental to the community that they eventually expanded to a bigger building.


There are 2 things Lighthouse does to create an inclusive environment.


1st is how they treat first-time visitors.  No matter who you are, how you’re dressed, the color of your skin, if you are carrying a Bible or not, you are personally escorted to the front row, and for the entire service you are made to feel as if YOU are the VIP.


It’s an extraordinary occurrence, as they are located at a cross section of community economics.


You may have someone in sneakers next to someone in a suit next to someone who is homeless, hungry, or high.


This creates a sense of equality and inclusion.  Not one visitor is treated as better or worse than another.


2nd, during the offering EVERY PERSON in the sanctuary is invited to participate, regardless if they can put anything in the tray.


The ushers stand in front of the altar.  The preacher tells the congregation that even if they have nothing to give, they can still touch the tray because their very presence is an offering unto God.


One by one each person walks up, touches the offering plate, no matter if they have cash or not… 


…Do you know what it’s like to be broke, unsure where you’re going to live, and yet you’re still invited to give, even if all you can offer is just your touch, to God?


No wonder Lighthouse had to expand to a bigger building.


We share this story for 2 reasons.  The 1st is that starting today you’ll see me do something new. 


Over the last 13 years you’ve watched me come up every Sunday to joyfully give my offering.


But starting today you’ll see me touch the offering tray without putting anything inside it.


The reason is simple-


I finally stepped into 21st century and signed up to give online.


I want Emmanuel UCC to know, for sure, that each month you will receive a specific offering from me, for both the church and the Pantry.


I also want free hotel rooms! 


See, my credit card company has a program that each time I charge a certain amount of money, I get a free hotel room, and I love my 1-night getaways.


So by setting up my own on-line giving account via Vanco, it’s become a win-win-win-


The church is promised my donation, I get to get away, and ya’ll benefit from a well-rested pastor.


The 2nd reason I share about Lighthouse Center is because they are reminiscent of today’s reading.


We have a tale about a very hungry Peter having an other-worldly vision.  We also have Cornelius, a very spiritual foreign soldier living in a retirement town. 


We witness how the Good News crosses economic, political, and professional valleys to bring these 2 very different people together as equals, as ONE.


And yes!- it’s rather surreal, rather science-fictionee, and kind of hard to believe.


This vision of Peter involving a picnic blanket descending and rising featuring birds and gators and four-footed creatures and a voice saying “get up” and Peter being like “Oh no, Lord.”


Of all the stories in the Bible I feel this is the most made up and hardest to believe.


Of all the stories in the Bible I want to give this one zero credibility and just say-  


“Peter, if you want a bacon cheeseburger with shrimp cocktail that bad, simply just say ‘I want a bacon cheeseburger with shrimp cocktail!’ 


You don’t have to go through this grand retelling of this overly-dramatic, oddly specific story!”


Regardless of how I feel- here is what this story is saying-


This, this is the moment where everything changes.  This is the moment in the life of the church in which EVERYONE is welcome.


This, this is the moment in which the early church realizes that everyone is welcome to be part of the faith.


This, this is the moment in which God makes it very clear- there is no one who is unclean, impure, or an abomination.


This is the moment in which Peter is able to welcome into his home someone of a different faith, skin tone and background…


…and Peter is able to enter into the home of someone who looks different than he does, lives different and speaks different.


This is the moment the church had been waiting for in which the gates of heaven are open for anyone who wishes to be a part of God’s Kingdom and fellowship within.


This is the moment in which Peter and the church realizes that no matter if you speak Espanol, Creole, American Sign Language, Dutch, Canadian French, Filipino, English or New York-


you are a Citizen of Heaven and welcome into the Church of Jesus Christ.


In other words, this is the moment in which the church discovers that everyone, regardless if they are wearing sneakers or a suit, hungry or homeless all have a guaranteed front row seat in the House of God.


It is not a human’s place to decide or say if someone is unclean or profane…


NOW, There is another element of today’s story that is relatable to our current situation.


Do you know that in true Acts fashion, the ministry and worship of Emmanuel UCC has truly expanded beyond our walls?


Thanks to the generous gifts of $4,500 that went to a new sanctuary computer, mics, cables, and internet booster, we have an impeccable online presence.


Thanks to the diligent work of Ruthie, we’ve come to realize that our on-line presence now exceeds the people here today.


In other words- in March we averaged 67 people in worship on a Sunday.


But, we averaged 86 households throughout the week that worshipped with us online, either on Facebook Live, YouTube or both.


In other words, it is like a new kind of blanket has descended from the heavens and we are now a house of worship that includes:


67 people from within and at least 86 people who are beyond the limits of space, time, or language.


So, what does this mean?


It means that like Cornelious and Peter, we have new things to do.


For our Council, we get to create a way to intentionally reach out to our online worshippers and find ways to include them in our membership and ability to give.


For our on-line worshippers, YOU are invited to find a way to show your support to ensure that we can ALL continue to worship Christ together.


As stated before, we have Vanco, we have the old-fashioned way of sending in a donation via check.


Soon we hope to have other ways to make the giving experience easier so that together, WE can all symbolically reach out, and touch the plate,


regardless if we are here or far, in a suit or in sneakers, a native to America or a native to Colombia.


If God could speak to Peter and the church via a floating, flying picnic blanket, God can certainly talk to us through technology and opportunity.


In conclusion, we are so blessed to be part of the Family of God, or


as Ari may say- “Familia de Dios.”


None of us are unclean, none of us are profane.


All of us worship in our own way, and all of us can be a blessing in our own style.


May God continue to show us new ways to be the Body, the Hands, and the Heart of Jesus Christ.


Amen and amen.

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