Sunday, December 18, 2022

Letter to The Editor- The Increased "Dog Whistles" of Chief Fansler

 This letter concerns the alarming increase of "dog whistles" in the articles written by Lake Placid Chief of Police, James Fansler.  Ever since plans began in 2022 for Sebring PRIDE, Chief Fansler has been crafting numerous articles and social media posts condemning PRIDE, churches who welcome LGBTQ folk, and pastors who do not preach fire/damnation sermons.  More than once, Chief Fansler has made reference to God destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, using it as a thinly veiled warning against our LGBTQ citizens and churches that welcome them.  Chief Fansler is not properly trained to interpret scripture or understand its history.  He offers a skewed view of scripture that fails to realize that the biblical concept of sin deals more with injustice, unkindness, and unethical behavior (often done by those in power).  Many scholars agree that the sin of Sodom/Gomorrah (Gen 19) was their inhospitality to strangers and mistreatment of aliens.  Does Chief Fansler know that there's a similiar story in Judges 19-21 in which a Levite's concubine is gang raped by a mob of men, starting a war with harsh consequences that follow? Genesis 19 does not condemn homosexuality, nor does Judges 19-21 condemn heterosexuality.  Both stories condemn acts of sexual violence and mistreament of visitors.  Yet Chief Fansler continues to use his platform to attack the LGBTQ community.  This is scary, because Chief Fansler is a man in power, with a gun and officers under him, paid to protect all citizens of Lake Placid.  He also has followers who are being stoked by his public comments. What if his hate filled articles/social media posts inspires someone in our community to pick up a weapon and attack the LGBTQ community?  God forbid if he chooses to run again for Sheriff.  When will local leadership for once and for all see that Chief Fansler is a liability to Lake Placid, and Highlands County?  In no just, kind, or humble world would Chief Fansler be allowed to sow such seeds of hate, especially not in the name of Christ.

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