Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Statement to School Board re: Sex Ed & LGBTQ; Sept 6, 2022


My name is Rev. George Miller. I’ve had the honor to serve in Sebring for 12 years. 


It’s wonderful to watch the School Board do the work you do, for the sake of our kids.  But I’m concerned about the discussions regarding comprehensive health ed.


Few of the decisions seem to be based on fact and research. 


Research shows how life-saving sex education is.  Data shows that sex ed reduces teen pregnancy, STI’s, cuts down on depression and suicide attempts.


Research from places like Darkness 2 Light show that teens who take sex ed are less likely to be sexually abused and trafficked.


Data shows that abstinence-only lessons do NOT keep our kids safe, STD or pregnancy free.


Orientation is discussed as if being lesbian or gay is only about sex.  Orientation is about identity.  Who you love, how you see yourself, when you feel the most YOU.


To use personal religious views to say that people of the LGBTQ community are evil is wrong.  This puts false words into Jesus’ mouth, going against his teachings of compassion.


It’s scary to know that safe havens are not allowed and that children who come to you in confidence can be outed to their parents.


Telling a parent that their child has come out as LGBTQ can pose great danger.  40% of our homeless youth identify as LGBTQ and were kicked out by family.  Up 40% of homeless teens are sex trafficked. 


What we’ve heard by public speakers are personal takes of their faith, laced with misunderstood interpretations of scripture, often using mistranslated texts. 


Folk say “We want to teach a biblical approach to sex,” yet the Bible features polygamy, concubines, marrying your kin.


I am concerned about the meanness we have witnessed in this room done by the people identifying as Christians. 


LGBTQ youth are discussed at these meetings as inhuman and non-citizens.


It's as if the bullies from jr. high have grown up to be bullies at the board meetings.  We know that often those who are bullies are themselves having issues at home.


There is a saying that “A hit dog hollers.”  There seem to be folk here today who are overly obsessed with the LGBTQ presence.


Perhaps they are worried that someone they care about is gay; perhaps they’re worried that they are gay, so they’re doing all they can to demonize others so they don’t have to look at themselves.


If that is you today, please stop.  You are hurting innocent youth; ultimately you are hurting yourself.  If this is you, know that you are worthy of love and there are people who will stand by and support you. 


Let us stop this assault on our LGBTQ youth who are simply trying to be their true selves.



Anonymous said...

Do you not worry that you are leading people through the gates of hell? You are obviously oppressed by a jezabell spirit and need to repent and find the One True God. There is nothing godly about LGBTQ. It clearly states in both the old and new testament that homosexuality is an abomination to God. Romans 1:26-28 as you should know reads, 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

Men having sex with each other is an abomination and condemned by God. Women having sex with each other is also an abomination and condemned by God. This isnt new news, its not like all of sudden Christians have come on the scene proclaiming sodomy is a immoral act and a sin in eyes of God.

Let us not pass over the fact that you share inappropriate photos of men to entice the homosexual nature of others. I cannot imagine the blow back a straight pastor would receive if he shared nearly nude pictures of women and said "here you go men, this should get you through to the weekend." I pray you repent and get right before you find yourself damned.

You should remove the REV from your title. You are no better than the other blasphemous reverends like Sharpton and Jackson. I know you just smiled being grouped with them. The devil in you loves this. I pray you have a road to Damascus moment.

I do not hate you. I hate what you stand for. What you try and sell as gospel. That you drag confused people down with you.

Unknown said...

Thank you Rev. Miller for your brave comments, and standing up for those who cannot stand for themselves. I am proud to sign my name and say, "Keep up the good fight. Keep making good trouble."

Anonymous said...

Do you also feel the same about people of another color? Or perhaps left handed people? Or someone who loves a person of a different color or religion? I am strictly hereterol but cannot condem someone who is different than I because I believe God created us all and my task is to try to be a friend and supporter of everyone. It is not my job to tell someone they are wrong but to do what Jesus taught about loving your neighbor as yourself.

Anonymous said...

You are comparing apples to figs. There is nothing in the scriptures that discuss color or anything else you are unwittingly adding argumentatively. The bible is very clear about homosexuality and other sexual immoral acts. He destroyed entire cities to prove this point. You can stick your head in the sand and say you are doing what Jesus taught about loving one another. But let us not forget He also told us to go out and spread the gospel. We are His disciples. We are to love, yes, that is true. But we do not have to love or accept the sin. This reverend is such a blasphemous heretic that unless he repents and changes his ways, he will be turned over to the devil. Even more so for taking innocent people down the path with him. We can no longer think we can do whatever we want and not worry about circumstances. I too deal with sin daily. I repent and ask God's grace. This so called leader of the church needs to as well or step down. No man should dress like a woman and call himself a man of God. Perhaps he means a child of the god of this world instead. In simple terms, he is a child of the devil.

Anonymous said...

Pastoral Soul said...

Dear Anonymous, The original Hebrew scripture does not condemn homosexuality; that word did not appear in any Bible until 1946. The original scriptures were referring to pedophilia and other acts. Modern scholars who study scripture have come to the conclusion that Sodom/Gomorrah were not destroyed for homosexuality but because they violated the codes of hospitality. Also, please keep in mind that rape is not about sex or orientation, rape is about power and violence. Also, orientation is not about sex, but about identity.