Sunday, February 20, 2022

What Living Water Can Look Like; John 7:37-39


Rev. George Miller

Feb 20, 2022

John 7: 37-39


Today we honor Canadian Heritage Day.  This joins our celebrations of Haitian Flag Day, Cuban Independence Day, and 4th of July.  In June we add the Philippines to our list of celebrations.


This is the result of having a diverse congregation, and the gift of a church that welcomes and affirms diversity.


Jesus says, “love your neighbor.”   One way to show love is to celebrate each other.  This says, “I see you.”


Canadian Heritage Day is not based on any kind or rebellion or revolution.  It’s a day when people are invited to go outside and… enjoy.


As their website says – “Canada’s collective story is told through our special places, whether they are historic lighthouses or schools.  Our shared heritage in all its forms has the power to create a sense of belonging.”


“Gathering places like town squares, cultural objects like artifacts, are tangible touchstones with the past that can root us in place and nourish the spirit.”


“Intangible heritage- languages, traditional rituals, music, dance, storytelling, and more- is at the heart of family and community.”


“In celebration of our past and our future, we encourage all Canadians, deeply rooted or new to Canada- to celebrate our museums, historic sights, and connect with traditional knowledge keepers, educators, parents and grandparents…”


Special places.  Shared heritage.  Sense of belonging.  Nourish the spirit.  Music.  Storytelling.  Connect with knowledge keepers, parents, and grandparents.


Did the Canadian Website just describe the Kingdom of Heaven?


What we just heard sounds like the definition of eternal life, everlasting life, jubilee, AGAPE…resurrection.


Canada is basically saying “Here’s a holiday- Go out into creation and live!  Go out into community and live!”


Creation. Community. Life.


If that is not the Gospel summed up in 3 words, I don’t know what is.


Creation.  Community.  Life.


Sounds like living water.  Rivers and rivers of living water.  Nourishing, life giving.


Living water that pours out of a believer’s heart.


In today’s reading we have a deep well from which to drink from, a deep well to water seeds with.


Today’s reading touches our creative spirit, because it creates so much space to play.


Jesus tells us that out of our hearts will flow living waters, but he trusts us to discern what living water looks like.


First, I think about what, for me, living water is NOT-

I do not think living water is hate. 

I don’t think living water is prejudice.  Nor do I think it’s unjust greed that leaves another poor.

Nor is it purposely polluting the land.

Or locked doors and blocked pathways.


I’m unsure how hating someone for their skin, their religion, their identity has ever led to more life.


I’m unsure how taking all the Monopoly Money only to send others to jail or the poorhouse is life eternal.


I can’t see plastic oceans and grey skies as the image of purple mountains majesty.


As someone who once was only allowed to eat popcorn while sitting on a stoop, I can’t see how keeping people out brings more joy to those who are in.


And yet, there are Christian Sisters and Brothers who believe in these things, who live a life of hate, prejudice, unjust greed, pollution, and barriers. 


Sometimes they seem to be the ones with the loudest voice, and biggest presence at the table.


I don’t think any of those things are rivers of living water. 


More like the sludge that backs up a creek and prevents it from flowing into the ocean.


Jesus says, “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.”


Here’s how I think living water looks-


Love.  Especially the agape kind that is compassionate and generous.


Acceptance.  To say “I see you.  I see your hair, your eyes, your skin, your clothes, your food, your stories, your country, your song, and I am so cool enough with me that I am cool enough with you.”


Enough.  The ability to know that you have all you need.  Anything else is a bonus.  Because you have all you need, you can share what you have with others who are not yet there.


Creation care.  There is no doubt that living water includes drinkable water, clean water, places for animals to dwell, clear skies for birds to fly, uncontaminated soil for trees to grow.


Welcome.  An open door.  A “hello.”  A seat.  A place to be at the table, and “heard” at the table.  To be trusted with a task to do.


Living water.


Rivers of love.

Rivers of acceptance.

Rivers of having enough.

Rivers of creation care.

Rivers of welcome.


Creation.  Community.  Life.


It does not have to be that complicated. 


It does not have to depend upon a war. 


It does not require someone to lose so someone else can win.


All it simply depends upon is you-

are you aware that you thirst? 


Are you willing to believe? 


Because if so, from your heart will pour out life everlasting.


Because from your heart, the Heaven of God already exists and is waiting to be made known.



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