Tuesday, March 9, 2021

God, The Woman, Who Searches For Us; Sermon on Luke 15:8-10


Rev. George Miller

March 7, 2021

Luke 15:8-10


For the last 3 months we’ve been focusing on the Gospel of Luke, and here we come to chapter 15, which is called the Gospel of Luke’s Gospel.


Jesus’ ministry is a success. Tax collectors and sinners are flocking to him.


The Pharisees and scribes are unhappy about this. As gatekeepers of the faith, they don’t like that Jesus is spending so much time with society’s outsiders and welcoming them in.


Instead of arguing, or apologizing for his actions, Jesus tells them three parables.  The first, about a shepherd who looks all over for a lost sheep. 


The third is about a father who waits for a reckless son to return, and when he does, the dad, filled with womb-love, runs, hugs, kisses his child, then gives him a robe, a ring, and a banquet.


Sandwiched between these two testosterone-tales is a story about a woman who loses a coin and does everything she can to find it, and then rejoices with all around her.


If Chapter 15 is the Gospel within the Gospel, then verses 8-10 is perhaps the Gospel of the Gospel within the Gospel, and perhaps the very heart of everything we need to know about God, about us, and about Heaven.


What makes this so powerful, and so subversive, is that it features a woman, and it is a woman who represents God.


Often when Luke 15 is preached, we hear about the shepherd, we hear about the father, but what if the star of the story is this woman who will do anything it takes to find one lost coin?


Have you ever wondered who God is?

Ever wondered what Heaven is like?

Ever wonder how truly valuable you are? 


Perhaps this story is the one and only thing we need to know.


So, let’s take a look.


At the start of the story, the woman has 10 coins.  She loses one.


“Big deal!” we may say. She still has 9. 


But it is a big deal.


It’s not like she had 10 pennies, or 10 nickels.  She had 10 drachmae, which back then was equal to 1 day of work.


In modern times, in which the current minimum wage in Florida is $8.65 an hour, that means she had $692, and she lost $69.20.


Think of how much $69.20 is to lose.


That’s a cell phone payment.  That’s a month’s worth of gas.


What if she was one of our Pantry guests, with 3 generations of family living under her roof?


Now that lost coin is of greater value; now we see how that 1 lost coin is of great worth.


Have you ever had a moment in your life in which you had to dig under the cushions and search through your car seats to find any loose change? 


This woman’s house is not like the ones we live in today. It most likely had one small window high up on the wall.


If the floor wasn’t made of packed down dirt, it consisted of reeds and weeds, making it easy for a coin to drop through.


To search for a lost coin would’ve been akin to searching for a needle in a haystack; it would have been digging through sand to find a grain of rice.


Yet that’s what this woman does.


She lights a lamp.  She sweeps.  She searches.  She doesn’t stop until she finds.  Then she rejoices and invites all who are around to celebrate with her.


This is not just a parable about a frugal woman with a broom.  This is a parable in which the woman represents God.


Her actions represent the lengths that God will go through just to find us.


The drachma represents just how valuable we are.


We are not a penny that can be easily tossed aside, nor a nickel that be forgotten about in a drawer.


We are as valuable as an entire day.


We are worthy of being sought after.


We are deserving of being celebrated.


All of us.  Every one of us.  Sinners and scribes, insiders and those outside.


What a powerful tale to tell; what an amazing story to share; what a glimpse into God that is not about wrath or anger, patriarchy or karma, or being happy when someone fails.


This short, short story basically tells us everything we may ever need to know about God-


That in God’s eyes we are valuable; in God’s womb-love we are worthy of being found and being celebrated.


Could there be a better, simpler way to say, “Jesus loves me, this I know” or “God’s got the whole world in her hands?”


This message could not come at a better time, because right now COVID has caused so many people to feel lost, COVID has caused so may people to feel discarded.


But this, this story says, “Hold on, hold up- God has not forgotten you, God is not neglecting you, God does not see you as worthless at all.”


This is a story that says to each and every one of us “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…I once was lost but now I’m found.”


For those out there who are questioning your value, for those who wonder where God is, for those who worry if anyone even misses you-


Know that you are of great worth, that God is lighting the way, and that you are missed more than you could ever know.


God is the shepherd who looks for the lost sheep.


God is the father who runs out to greet God’s beloved children with hugs and kisses.


God is the woman who will not stop until you, the most precious thing on earth, has been found.


For that the heavens and nature sing, the angels rejoice, and we can all say “Amen!”

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