Monday, April 13, 2020

Scriptures For A Time Like This #8; Exodus 14

Dear Beloved Community- Blessed Easter! Christ has risen!
Today's reading is the cinematic Exodus 14- the glorious parting of the Red Sea.  This scripture has stood the test of time and inspired millions of people throughout millennia.
Why?  Because it speaks about a powerful truth so many of the faithful know and have personally experienced- when our back is against the walls of water, when danger is in pursuit, when it seems like there is absolutely no way out, when fear and trembling and in-fighting takes over- God is still able to act, to do, to surprise...and to get us to the other side.  
But note this- it took action from Moses to make it happen. It took action and profound bravery from the people to take that first step through the parted sea.
Was it easy?  Heck no!  Were there terrified people, muddy sandals, broken cart wheels, cries of fear and what was left behind?  Yes.  But through God, with God, and with one another, the people made it through even when death and destruction were a sure thing.
Friends and family- WE WILL get through. It's not going to be easy, it will be scary, there will be mud and brokenness and tears, but with God, through God, we will make it through these Red Sea waters and come out on the other side.  Amen!  Love, Pastor George

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