Saturday, March 25, 2023

Integrity; Matthew 25:31-46


Rev. George Miller

March 26, 2023

Matthew 25: 31-46




That was the word of the day at Tuesday’s School Board Meeting.  The student who presented on integrity attend the Virtual School, so this word had extra meaning. 


Their presentation began and ended with a quote from C.S. Lewis- “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”


Integrity.  That’s what Jesus discusses today.  Doing what is just, what is right, just because it is right, and it is just.


Not because others are watching or so you get a grace plus plus.


Integrity’s complexity comes when what you see as right and just may not be just and right to others.


I found that out Wednesday at Council.  We discussed a topic that I thought was a no-brainer and would be a unanimous vote.


Turns out for Council it was a no-brainer, it was a unanimous vote, just not in the direction I thought.


So being me, I was emotional, vocal, defensive.  Was even called a bully, for which I apologize for.


It was truly one of those moments that breaks a pastor’s heart, and could break a pastor’s spirit.


Wondering, like a parent, “How did they come to this conclusion?” but knowing it was their decision to make.


And truth is, the decision Council made was a decision made with integrity, the kind of integrity that comes from answering the call to church leadership in which very few matters are black and white, and almost all matters have to be done from a fiscal, communal eye.




Looking at today’s reading, which is instrumental in forming the UCC’s identity, we have the last public teaching of Jesus before his arrest.


And what a teaching it is.


Jesus sets the scene of the whole world coming before the King.


The King says “I was hungry, and you gave me some corn bread.  I was thirsty, and you gave me a cool glass of lemonade.” 


“I was a Haitian, a Cuban, a Filipino immigrant and you welcomed me.  I was wearing rags and you gave me a tshirt, underwear and socks.”


“I was at Adventist Health and the County Jail and you visited me.  Come into the Land of Blessings, for my Father’s joy covers you.”


But the people you receive this invitation are dumbfounded, confused.  They say “But Great Creator, when did we ever do any of those things for you?”


You see, the people did not know.  They had not planned.  They were not scrupulous or trying to earn extra points for Heaven. 


They just “were.”  They had…




To which the King says “Anytime you gave anyone a slice of hot cornbread, a cool drink, a warm hello, a tshirt, a “thinking of you” text or contacted someone in jail, you were actually feeding, greeting, clothing, caring for me…and I am so, so thankful.”


This message is so beautiful, so pure.  It is so free of bylaws and committee work and obligations and deadlines.


And it is so obtainable by anyone with an open heart and a truly generous spirit. 


“Did you do anything, big, small or medium sized to show someone that the Heaven of God is real and at hand?”


If so, experience the good road that God has placed before you.


Integrity- God is saying “I see you and all that you do and have done just because it was the right thing to do, and I am so proud of you.”


I think this is what last week’s message was really about- those 10 women with the 10 lamps.


Those lamps can be the good that we do. 


The kindness we do without thinking, the justice we do when no one is watching.


The compassion we show when it seems like no one even cares.


Perhaps what Jesus was really saying last week is “No matter how dark things get, no matter how pointless things may seem, don’t stop doing what you do that brings light into the world.”


Jesus doesn’t always make things easy, he doesn’t always make things clear, but at this moment, before he is arrested, before everything goes dark and dangerous for him, Jesus leaves a final lesson. 


This lesson ties everything else together.


When we do for the least, we do for God.  When we are just and we are kind, we are blessed. 


When we are generous, we receive the greatest reward.


When we care for another, we are caring for God.  And that makes God so happy.


Amen and amen.

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